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View our Course Catalog below. We look forward to seeing you on the inside of one of our courses.

3 Lessons

How to Have the Tough Conversations with Your Teen Daughter

How to Have the Tough Conversations will guide you step by step through the uncomfortable process of talking with your daughter about the dangers of pornography, rape/molestation and how to abstain from sex, if you didn't. You’ll know what to say and how to say it. Even if you don’t believe this is an issue for her, isn’t it worth finding out for sure?

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8 Lessons

7 Secrets Revealed Masterclass

Taught by Jackie Brewton, this masterclass transforms the way your daughter values herself, views relationships and chooses dates. It will help her to identify ways she can measure her worth that has nothing to do with her relationship status. And she will learn how guys' relationship expectations differ from girls' and how to keep hers in check.

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9 Lessons

Dating Boundaries 101

Dating Boundaries 101 features 7 easy-to-implement modules, PLUS an accompanying, downloadable journal with activities that educate, equip, and empower teen girls to set the standard for how they deserve to be treated. Your daughter will walk away understanding that boundaries aren't meant to hinder her, but to honor and protect who she is now and the person she hopes to become in the future.

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0 Lessons

Session 1: Sex Doesn’t Equal Love

In this session Jackie focuses on the importance of loving yourself, knowing your worth and increasing your self-esteem. We also discuss how low self-esteem can impact your relationship choices and how to avoid getting on the emotional roller coaster that accompanies relationships involving sex.

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0 Lessons

Session 2: They’ll Tell You What You Want to Hear

In this session, we get to hear from a young man who earned the title of “puppet master” by his friends in in high school because he was so good at getting girls emotionally attached to him and then pulling back once he knew he had “won their hearts.” In addition to hearing his story, we'll discuss why girls tend to believe the lies and how you can tell when a guy is preying on your emotions.

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0 Lessons

Session 3: They Won’t Respect You if You Don’t Respect You

This session includes clips from interviews with seven guests who discuss the importance of having self-respect. You’ll also learn why it’s important to set standards in your dating relationships and how guys feel about girls who send nude pictures.

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0 Lessons

Session 4: Sex Changes Things

This session includes clips from interviews with five guests who discuss why and how sex changes a relationship for teen guys. You’ll learn about the “thrill of the chase,” as well as hear from a teen mom and teen dad who share how they felt when they found out they were going to be teen parents, as well as what they wish they had done differently.

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0 Lessons

Session 5: They’re Not Looking for a Wife

This session includes clips from interviews with eight guests. The guys share their thoughts about the difference between how teen girls and guys view commitment, define “long-term relationship,” and plan for marriage. You’ll also learn why guys standards are different for girlfriends than for future wives.

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0 Lessons

Session 6: They Can’t Replace Your Father

This session includes clips from interviews with four guests. You’ll learn how a girls’ relationship with her father influences her dating relationship choices. A young man shares how he would prey upon girls with ‘daddy issues’ when he was a teen, and a psychologist discusses how girls whose fathers aren’t actively engaged in their lives can successfully deal with their absence.

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0 Lessons

Session 7: They Will Wait if You Will

This session includes clips from three couples who all waited until they were married to have sex. They share why they waited, how they were able to wait successfully and the benefits that they experienced as a result of waiting.

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0 Lessons

7 Secrets Recap with Q&A

This session includes clips from all fifteen guests that have been in the previous sessions. The guys share amazing advice that they would give their teen sisters to help them avoid heartache and heartbreak during their teen years. The young ladies share what they would tell their teen selves if they could go back to their teen years. We also speak to the teen girl who has been sexual active to let her know that her choices do not define her and she’s just as valuable as the girl who hasn’t had sex.

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0 Lessons

Session 3: Realizing Regrets

Learn from the experiences of teen boys & men about the often over-looked emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual impact of making bad choices when it comes to sex, girls and relationships.

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0 Lessons

Session 1: Redefining Manhood

Dispel the myths of manhood promoted in today's culture so you can rise to the greatness for which you were destined and pursue your life's purpose.

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0 Lessons

Session 4: Recognizing Ramifications

Understand the legal ramifications of having sex, what constitutes statutory rape, what consent is and isn't, why sexting isn't "harmless," and how pornography hurts you and your future wife.

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0 Lessons

Session 5: Reaping the Rewards

Discover from hearing the success stories of guys how knowing your value, practicing self-discipline, and delaying gratification can set you AND your future family up for success.

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0 Lessons

Session 2: Responding to Pressure

Find out how to respond to the pressure to have sex coming from the media, adult men, teen girls, peers, and even yourself.

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10 Lessons

10 Ways to Raise a Daughter Who’s F.A.B.

Taught by Jackie Brewton, these 10 sessions will give you the tools to help guide your daughter on the path to becoming Focused, Authentic and Brave. The in-depth video modules include letters from real teen girls in my classes sharing their stories or regrets and 30 practical action steps you can implement day one.

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What Our Students Have to Say

I am so glad that I was a part of your Masterclass. I learned so much and have begun to realize my own self-worth and that I don’t need a guy to make me happy. I am having more open and honest conversations with my parents and I am going to take time to work on ME.
Teen Girl
Clayton, NC
I’ve learned so much about what different guys (i.e.: player, good guy, best guy) REALLY think about girls and relationships and how to make sure that I stand firm by my boundaries in a relationship. Honestly, I think that every girl in America (or perhaps the rest of the world) should watch your Masterclass and read your book because I believe this would save a lot of girls from making a decision that could impact them for the rest of their lives.
Teen Girl
Cleveland, OH
The Masterclass put me in a better place mentally. I can literally feel the growth that occurred during this class. I would recommend this Masterclass to everyone, even random girls walking down the street. I would just sign them up and let the magic begin.
Teen Girl
Newport News, VA
Although I've had many conversations with my daughters about sex, it was easier to unpack the information from class after watching it together (and made it less awkward). My daughters could relate to you (your personality, genuineness and apparent concern) and your guests. The class made us aware of things we never even thought of (myself, my husband, as well as my girls).
Mom of Teen Girls
Powder Springs, GA