Dating Boundaries 101 – Landing

A Virtual Guide

Dating Boundaries 101

Topics Covered in this Course

Jackie Brewton

Teen Relationship Expert

I’m Jackie– an author, youth speaker, teen relationship expert and the founder and CEO of MotivationN3D, Inc., a motivational speaking company.  I empower teens to dream bigger DREAMS, make better DECISIONS and fulfill brighter DESTINIES!  I also equip parents to have the tough conversations with their teens about love, sex and relationships.

My mission has always been to come alongside parents to reinforce for their teen daughters the importance of knowing their worth and never settling for less than they deserve.

I’ve been able to reinforce parents’ message with girls in my classes for the past 19 years and am excited about the opportunity to reach even more girls online. 

Course Description

Dating Boundaries 101  features 7 easy-to-implement modules PLUS an accompanying, downloadable journal with activities that educate, equip, and empower teen girls to set the standard for how they deserve to be treated that honors who they are now and the person they hope to become in the future.

Pressure - Proof Your Daughter

NOW your daughter has access to the same LIFE-AFFIRMING information that helped the young ladies in my classrooms become pressure-proof in their relationships.

My new virtual guide for teen girls–DATING BOUNDARIES 101

Is Your Daughter Prepared to Handle the Pressure?

When it comes to your teen daughter, her well-being is your #1 concern.

As it should be. Especially when it comes to dating. Unlike with driving, you have to be concerned about your daughter’s emotional well-being just as much (if not more) as her physical safety. 

And let’s face it, growing up in the Age of Smartphones, Selfies and Social Media is already tough for girls.

Add in dating, and your daughter faces pressure on every side:

…pressure from today’s culture that tells her to value #relationshipgoals over #lifegoals.
…pressure from peers to be in a relationship at all costs just to fit in.
…pressure from guys to put their sex interests above her BEST interests.
…pressure she puts on herself to measure her worth by her relationship status.

This is so unhealthy! But unfortunately, very common.

Enrolling your daughter in Dating Boundaries 101 doesn’t mean that you don’t trust her to date.

It means that you DO trust her and know that she’s more than capable of overcoming the pressures of teem dating when she is:

  • educated about the who, what, when, where, why and how of dating,

  • equipped with a game plan to set and maintain healthy boundaries that honor who she is now and hopes to become in the future, and

  • empowered to demand respect while dating and walk away from the relationship if it’s not given.

NOW’s the time for your daughter to master the habit of establishing and maintaining boundaries.

Doing so can mean the difference between her getting caught up in a series of unhealthy relationships resulting in long-lasting pain that can cause her to question her own value.


Successfully navigating the roller coaster ride that is teen dating with her physical AND emotional well-being intact.

You decide…

Letters From Teen Girls about This Course

“This class has taught me to respect myself so much more than I have before. I have learned that I need to make boundaries and that sex isn’t all there is to a relationship. I used to make poor decisions because I got tired of fighting with guys even though I didn’t want to do that. The consequences have affected my future but I’m not going to let guys take advantage of me anymore. Thank you for this class. It has impacted me for the better.”
Teen Girl
From USA
“I always saw sex as the only option and that if I were to date someone they would leave because I would not put out. During your presentation I came to realize that when I do find someone, they need to rise to my standards instead of me rising to theirs. I learned that there is so much more to relationships than sex and that I need to date someone who realizes that and respects me for my realization.”
Teen Girl
From USA

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These courses are created by Jackie Brewton and are only available in JackieBAcademy.